Onsite Event Registration
By prior arrangement we can establish an onsite local area network registration system allowing all on-site entrants to enter required entrant details “online” via a bank of laptops we provide connected to an onsite server we provide. The data recorded on our onsite server is seamlessly integrated into our timing system software.
The onsite registration system ensures all data you require is collected as an entrant cannot complete their entry until all fields you deem compulsory are entered. The onsite registration system also eliminates transcription errors from paper entries.
Onsite Data Check
Our experience shows that no matter what registration system is used, people can make errors when registering their friends (or themselves).Our experience also shows that in the tight time frame before an event errors can occur in the distribution of race bibs.
To assist in reducing the impact of these errors on results and your prize-giving we can, by prior negotiation, work with you to provide a data check facility during registration.
Onsite data checks significantly assist in the detection of
incorrect bib allocation,
reverse name errors
gender errors,
age errors,
incorrect event selection
Online Registration
Capturing the data you need for your results during the registration process is essential for you to achieve the results you want for your event.We can provide your event a secure on-line registration service offering your event's entrants the ability to pay by VISA, MasterCard or PayPal. You may also use your own on-line entry service provider. No matter which option you choose we are happy to work with you to ensure your registration process works for you by obtaining the data you need whilst respecting your entrants' rights to privacy.
The timing software we use has been specifically designed to integrate with many registration platforms allowing you flexibility in your choice of registration system. We are happy to discuss registration system integration with you.
We value the opportunity to discuss with existing and new clients your specific needs to ensure your data successfully represents your unique event.