How bib tags work

We want to help you get the best performance from your tag so your time will be recorded.
While fitting instructions vary with each event type, there are some common "rules" to follow to ensure you get the best performance from your tag which we explain below.
For a PDF copy of our guide to how Bib tag timing works please click here.
ChronoTrack's B-Tags are high performance Ultra High Frequency RFID (Radio Frequency identification) tags.
You can adversely affect the performance of your tags by creasing or folding the tag. This can break the tag's aerial circuit, which will lead to no reads.
UHF RFID tags will not read through water, and this doesn’t just mean your hydration system.
The adult human body averages 50-65% water, so if you attach a bib to your back, your body is stopping the tag from responding to the UHF signals.
Dense materials can also reduce read strength. This is why we suggest you do not attach a MTB numberplate with tag to your handle bars, or wrap your seat post kit around your seatbag or seatpost mounted drink bottles.
Tag performance is significantly affected by polarity - the orientation of the tag in relation to the orientation of the fields produced by the timing aerials.
Our recommended fitting instructions provide the best possible reads with the tags and equipment in use at your event. If you fit or wear your tag in a different orientation, you will have lower read strengths, with the strong potential for missed reads.