Timing Team blog
2018 Forrest GrapeRide
Bikes, wine, and food...
and lets not forget the excellent coffee.
It doesn't get any better than this.
A 115km loop from the vines of the Wairau plain to the picturesque port of Picton then through 40km of incredible Marlborough Sounds scenery (with a pause at Momorangi Bay for coffee and cake if you feel inclined), then on to the greenlip mussel capital of Havelock and home to Forrest Estate where the fun and relaxation awaits. Hats off to those riders enjoy the course so much they do two laps.
For those with a different horizon the Taster at 42km is a great ride alongside the beautiful Wairau river.
Results are here
We are pleased to share a few images from the event on this FaceBook album.
Thanks to Brigid and John Forrest for the amazing hospilatilty (again), and to Duncan, Pete and their excellent team.